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About company

The Owocowe Smaki company has been producing organic fruit and vegetables for over fifteen years on a certified family farm run by P. Antoni Tudryn. We received the first Certificate for our fruit and vegetables in 2002. The farm is located in Leżajsk and Niski poviats in Podkarpacie. Due to the great interest of our customers in our products, in 2004 the family press shop was inaugurated.

Since 2011, we have been offering our customers products under the "Owocowe Smaki" brand, pressed using a modern, professional production line that allows us to obtain the best quality juices. We show our offer at numerous fairs, exhibitions and organic food fairs in Poland and abroad. The quality of our production is confirmed by the Ecological Producer Certificate issued to us by the Eco Certification Body, PTRE guarantee and the certificates of Organic Farming that are held by the suppliers of our fruit and vegetables.

In 2014, the company grew and was transformed into a limited liability company. Currently, the owners of the company are: Antoni Tudryn, Tomasz Wypański and Andrzej Wypański. All owners have certified farms.

Our activity also includes horticulture, thanks to which we have extensive experience in fruit production, constantly improving the quality of our raw material. These experiences allowed us to choose the right varieties of organic fruit and vegetables, giving the unique taste of our products.

As a member of the Association of Associations of the Podkarpacie Chamber of Organic Agriculture and the Ecological Food Valley Cluster and the Podkarpackie Cluster of Organic Food, we support other Polish fruit farmers and farmers who specialize in agricultural production and meet the strict requirements of the European Union regarding organic farming.

Our philosophy

We press our juices based on a few simple rules.


Quality is the most important thing for us, which is why we care about it throughout the entire value chain of our products.


Freshly squeezed juices, without the addition of water, prepared in the right proportions of fruit and vegetable varieties, give this unique and strong taste.


It's easy. Natural, unclarified juices, not from concentrate and without unnecessary additives, are healthier!


We do not want chemically sprayed fruit in our juices. We are supporters of organic farming.
We promote the market of ecological products

We socially and professionally support organic agricultural production without GMOs, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and others. We also cooperate in the organization of the annual ecological fair Eko-Gala.
We support "small farmers"

We work only with farmers with small and medium-sized farms. We believe that organic farming is an opportunity for the development of both large and small farms, increasing their entrepreneurship. It is also an opportunity for sustainable development of rural areas.
We care about the environment

We care for the natural environment in the entire production process as well as in our orchards, which we also require from our suppliers. This is a process that cannot be overlooked.
Sustainable Business

In our activities, we combine competitiveness with a sustainable business model. Thus, we strive to integrate business, social and environmental activities.
We educate children

We cooperate in educational programs for children and young people in the field of organic farming, supporting the organization of workshops in schools and kindergartens, as well as competitions and visits to farms.
Promujemy rynek produktów ekologicznych

Społecznie i zawodowo wspieramy ekologiczną produkcję rolną bez udziału GMO, pestycydów, fungicydów, herbicydów i innych. Współpracujemy także w organizacji corocznych targów ekologicznych Eko-Gala.
Wspieramy „małych rolników”

Współpracyjemy wyłącznie z rolnikami posiadających małe i średnie gospodarstwa. Wierzymy, że rolnictwo ekologiczne jest szansą rozwoju zarówno dużych jak i małych gospodarstw rolnych, powodując wzrost ich przedsiębiorczości. Jest szansą także na zrównoważony rozwój obszarów wiejskich.
Dbamy o środowisko

Dbamy o środowisko naturalne w całym procesie produkcyjnym a także w naszych sadach, czego wymagamy też od naszych dostawców. To proces, którego nie można pominąć.
Zrównoważony Biznes

W swojej działalności łączymy konkurencyjność ze zrównoważonym modelem biznesowym. Dążymy tym samym do integracji działań biznesowych, społecznych i środowiskowych.
Prowadzimy Edukację Dzieci

Współpracujemy w programach edukacji dzieci i młodzieży z zakresu rolnictwa ekologicznego, wspierając organizację warsztatów w szkołach i przedszkolach oraz konkursów i wizyt w gospodarstwach.

Contact details:

ul. Ks. Jerzego Popiełuszki 1
37-310 Nowa Sarzyna
535 001 741
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