Implementation of the project

Project co-financed under the Smart Growth Operational Program under priority axis 3 Support for innovation in enterprises; Measure 3.3 Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises; Sub-measure 3.3.3 Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands - Go to Brand
The aim of the project no. POIR.03.03.03-18-0026 / 19 is to promote and increase the recognition of the product brand of Owocowe Smaki sp.z o.o. on foreign markets and promoting the Polish Economy Brand in the period 01/10/2019. - 31.07.2023 In order to achieve the Project's goal, the following promotional activities are planned under the Polish Food Specialties Promotion Program:
1. Participation in 4 fairs as an exhibitor
2. Organization of 3 travel missions (organization of meetings with contractors from foreign markets)
3. Organization of 1 incoming mission (meetings with contractors from Russia)
4. Carrying out information and promotion activities
Project value: PLN 350 352.00
contribution of European Funds: PLN 287 288.64